REMO Doumbek Shoulder Strap

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This adjustable drum strap can be used on all Remo Doumbeks and most doumbeks made in Egypt and Turkey. History Remo’s adjustable doumbek drum strap holds your drum in place...

This adjustable drum strap can be used on all Remo Doumbeks and most doumbeks made in Egypt and Turkey.

Remo’s adjustable doumbek drum strap holds your drum in place while playing seated or standing. No need for your drum to have hooks or bolts. This simple drum strap can be used on Egyptian, Turkish and Remo manufactured, doumbeks Remo Doumbek Drum Strap comes in three parts. 1)Strap 2)Small loop rope 3)Harness rope with clear tube Instructions: 1.Attach the harness and small loop rope on each end of the drum strap. 2.Loosen one tuning lug and place the small loop rope between the drum and shell of counter hoop. Make sure loop rope is centered over the lug hole. 3.Now, reinsert lug and tighten. 4.Open the harness and loop it around the base of the doumbek. 5.Place the strap over head onto one shoulder. Harness will settle in the middle of the drum. Now you can play seated or standing.
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