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How to Pick the Right Darbuka with the Right Skin Type?

Selection of Darbuka skin is a daunting task for an individual especially when you know nothing about it. This article also discusses the common Darbuka skin types to help you out in selecting the best Darbuka for yourself. You should not miss out to read this article. You can find different varieties of Darbuka with a different type of skins and now we will discuss them.


Goatskin is the most common skin type as most of the Darbukas come with goatskin at the top. According to experts, goatskin is the perfect skin for a professional ceramic or clay darbuka. It offers so many advantages like a ceramic Darbuka with goatskin helps you control the sound perfectly. At the same time, goatskin is very strong and remains the same throughout its lifetime. Goatskin  Darbuka comes in mainly two colors namely white and yellow. The look it gives is absolutely amazing.

Regular Transparent Egyptian Skin

As clear from the name, a Darbuka with Egyptian skin is made in Egypt and 90% of the Darbukas manufactured there come with Egyptian skin. The skin is made up of plastic and comes in two thickness: 0.3mm and 0.6mm. This skin type has its own advantages like it is quite easy to install. You can install it on your own without an expert’s help. When the skin becomes loose as a result of a lot of drumming sessions you can tighten it around the ring by yourself so it is cheap and saves your money.

If you talk about the sound it produces, then for your information it produces an open sound and great doom strokes. It is most commonly used by people who like Arabic music.

Power Beat Skin

Power beat skin is also made up of plastic but it is high-quality plastic and the thickness of this type of Darbuka skin is more than other skin types. The thickness is about 0.8mm. As the thickness is more so you can expect the skin to be much stronger than other skin types available. Power beat skin look amazing on the Darbuka. You can play the Darbuka for a long time without any defects caused. There is no need to replace the skin for a long time. Even it won’t stretch after a few sessions like the other Darbukas with any other skin type.

Due to the strength of this skin, the Tack & the Slap strokes are very sharp and the Doom stroke is perfect.

Remo Fiber Skin

Remo fiber skin is a unique skin as it is not commonly seen in Darbukas. The thickness of Remo fiber skin is the same as of the Power beat skin i.e., 0.8mm. Generally, this skin is available in two colors: Brown and White. Most of the players go for Brown colored skin because it has the traditional look of fish skin graphics. Also, it produces a crispy sound and more bass. If you like more bass, then this skin type Darbuka is perfect for you.

This is all about the common Darbuka skin types available. The decision of choosing among these is solely yours and the information given in this article will surely help you.

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