Zaza Percussion - Goatskin for Darbuka Doumbek Drum, Goat Skin for Djembe Natural Flat Round Goat Skin Head - 9 different sizes


Medium Goatskin = approximately 0.015 of an inch or 4-5 sheets of printer paper Size:- 9 different sizes from 10''-36'' Clean and dust-free skins, Hair removed and ready to install,...
  • Medium Goatskin = approximately 0.015 of an inch or 4-5 sheets of printer paper
  • Size:- 9 different sizes from 10''-36''
  • Clean and dust-free skins, Hair removed and ready to install, Cleaned and sun-dried
  • Zaza Percussion - Goat Skin suitable for Banjo Snare Drums Djembe Native Frame Irish Bodhran Skins, Pandero, Pleneras Or Tamborines and doumbeks
  • This item consists of or includes natural material. Color, hue, pattern, thickness, shape, texture, and consistency will vary. Item images are for illustration purposes only.


 All natural, washed but never chemically treated. Good for any natural-hide drum