Keep your eye on our On Sale section to find some great instruments at a great price. These are fully functioning and undamaged items that you will love for a fraction of the original cost. Items go on sale for a multitude of reasons like being overstocked or because we need to make room for new items and because of that the "Clearance" section is a great way to Buy Doumbek or Darbuka on sale . So its time to find at discounted prices on doumbeks or darbukas and ouds .
Sombaty Gawharet El Fan 19.5" Black Metal Darbuka Dumbek Drum This is a beautiful new 19.5" sombaty. Comes with a clear synthetic head and a premium case.This superb instrument has...
Introducing the stunning 18.5" Gawharet El Fan Egyptian Sombaty New Generation drum, now available from Darbuka Planet. This Doumbek features an extra clear synthetic skin and a premium padded case,...
This is a beautiful new 18.5" Egyptian Sombaty New Generation drum, with an extra clear synthetic skin and a premium padded case. One of GEF's most famous pattern, in a...
This is a beautiful new 18.5" Egyptian Sombaty New Generation drum, with an extra clear synthetic skin and a premium padded case. One of GEF's most famous pattern, in a...