Standard key-tuned djembe from the Leon Mobley Signature Series, with 6 lugs. The hand painted look of the shell comes from the Adinkra design printed on one of the new fabric finishes in Remo's DESIGNER'S TOUCH graphic arts line. Leon Mobley's passion for playing the djembe, and his deeply entrenched respect for his ancestral African traditions are adeptly captured by the exquisitely designed Adinkra djembe. He shares his passion for playing, as well as his strong belief in unity and peace, with the world, whether it be on stage with Ben Harper or in a drum circle. Remo djembes have their roots in West Africa with the Mandingo people. They originate from the time of the great Mali Empire in the 13th and 14th centuries. In Africa, the djembe is used for healing purposes. The tone and form of Remo djembes consist of a combination of the traditional djembe tone and form combined with Remo's modern advancements. They comprise a variety of tuning systems, heads, finishes and sizes. REMO'S key-tuned djembe has achieved worldwide success due to its user friendliness. For years it has been a favorite among both professional and recreational drummers and is known for being easily portable, tunable, durable and playable. Of Remo's World Percussion instruments, the key-tuned djembes are the most popular. They're used widely not only by touring professionals, but also in drum circles. The Type 2 Fiberskyn TM 3 drumhead and ACOSTICON TM shell is what gives all Remo Djembes their high slaps and deep bass tones. The 10-inch model has 4 lugs, the 12-inch has 6, and the 14-inch+ has 8, all with an earthy FabriFinish covering.